Particle view imaging on the CrystallinePV instrument

  • Article
  • May 17, 2019

The ultimate technology for crystals, liquids, solutions, emulsions or suspensions visualization

The CrystallinePV combines temperature with real time particle imaging. With four or eight high quality digital visualization probes, seeing what is happening in the vial has never been easier: no moving parts, no cumbersome insertion probes. With a robust design, the probes are contained in a sealed, pre-aligned and sturdy environment, giving the user walk-up access to four or eight parallel particle view cameras.

Picture series taken with the CrystallinePV instrument.

The Crystalline instrument offers the possibility to take pictures of small volumes (2-5 mL) of liquids, solutions, emulsions or suspensions. Model formulations or final formulations can be individually investigated at different temperature programs and stirring rates. Moreover, Raman spectroscopy can be also used on the Crystalline instrument giving additional information about the crystal form of an active ingredient.

Formulation development is the art of making stable formulations to become instable when they need to deliver the active. However, up to the application of the formulation, stability is crucial within the set specification. Physical stability seen in phase transition or crystal growth can greatly be observed using pictures of model formulations or full formulations. Temperature dependent suspension experiments of several active ingredients in different solvents may be followed by using the Crystalline instrument. Individual temperature ramps could be performed and pictures of individual experiments taken. The pictures can be used for optical analysis: crystal growth, re-crystallization, dissolution or other phase transitions. A physically stable suspension needs to show none of the mentioned phenomena. Crystal growth or re-crystallization are not acceptable in a formulation.

Picture series taken with the CrystallinePV instrument

Curious to learn more?

The Crystalline - with through the vial analytical capabilities like turbidity, particle visualization or Raman - allows you to access crystallization and formulation information at mL scale.