Do more with less
With our crystallization screening workflow, consisting of CrystalBreeder, Crystal16 and Crystalline, scientists can perform well-controlled crystallization studies from hit and lead identification to process scale-up and formulation.
With ReactALL, our latest chemical process research and development tool, scientists can automate up to 76% of their route scouting, reaction screening and optimization, and reaction kinetics and profiling.
With our crystallization screening workflow, consisting of CrystalBreeder, Crystal16 and Crystalline, scientists can now perform well-controlled crystallization studies from hit and lead identification to process scale-up and formulation.
Learn more about ReactALL - our latest instrument dedicated to chemical reaction screening and optimization, route scouting as well as process development and optimization.
Enhance your early stage solid state screening with the CrystalBreeder bench-top system. Enhanced with new controlled evaporation and vapor diffusion modules.
The Crystal16 is a multi-reactor crystallizer for medium throughput solubility. The latest version has integrated transmissivity technology and enhanced analytical capabilities, in a streamlined unibody design, to reduce the time and resources consumed in crystallization experiments and analysis.
Access crystallization and formulation information at mL scale with the Crystalline PV/RR. The Crystalline PV/RR combines temperature and turbidity measurements with real time particle imaging.
ReactALL is an innovative benchtop multiple reactor system with novel automated sampling and overhead stirring for medium-throughput experimentation. It helps scientists automate up to 76% of their reaction screening process.