Particle size distribution analysis using real time AI detection

  • Application note
  • January 28, 2025

Content overview

Particle size distribution (PSD) and particle shape are important properties in process design and heavily influence the performance of crystallization and downstream processes. Therefore, accurate data at the early stages of a molecules development cycle can provide significant insights into how to design and modify a process to get the desired results and performance, reducing development time.

To generate accurate data, particle detection and shape identification is critical. We have developed the Crystalline V2 advanced analysis suite that includes artificial intelligence (AI) particle detection and identification for measuring PSD to address these needs.

Using our AI database, which has been trained on over 5,000 images, we demonstrate in this application note the powerful capability to monitor morphology change during a crystallization, as well as growth and agglomeration of particles during a seeded cooling crystallization. All in real time, in the Crystalline V2.

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